The snake plant is known to be difficult to kill and doesn’t need a lot of water, thanks to its semi-succulent leaves. However, prolonged dry spells can create stress and cause your plant to have soft, floppy leaves that can have a tendency to tip. It’s important to note that if the plant stays dry for too long, the roots can start to shrivel and die back.
Many of us love our watering routine and go around watering all of our indoor plants on the same schedule. But this approach can lead to watering certain plants too often. If you’re overwatering your snake plant, it can begin to rot at the base of the leaves, causing it to lean and droop to one side. Water only when the soil is 100% dry, from the top to the bottom of the pot. Always check the soil before watering to make sure it needs it. Thoroughly water until you see it absorb into the soil and eventually flow out of the drainage hole. Discard any excess water that accumulates in the saucer.
Lack of Fertilizer
If your snake plant is on an excellent watering schedule and still leaning over, it might be asking for some additional nutrients. While water and sunlight give the plant most of its needs, it also requires nutrients like phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. It’s a good idea to feed your snake plant once in the spring and once in the summer.
Lack of Light
A lean in your sansevieria might be its way of stretching to get closer to its light source. Though they tolerate low light, sansevierias thrive in high light, so move it closer to a window and rotate your plant monthly to fix this issue.