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Why are the leaves of my Rhoeo Oyster turning yellow?

If you notice drooping yellow leaves on your Rhoeo Oyster, the cause is likely overwatering your plant.

Bloomscape Plant Guide: Rhoeo Oyster

Your Rhoeo Oyster doesn’t need much water to survive. Only water when the soil is 75% dry. Water until water flows freely from the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. Be sure to discard any excess water that flows into the saucer, as this can lead to root rot and eventual death of your plant.


It’s easy to overwater your plant when you care about it and want it to thrive. Bloomscape’s Grow-How™ team suggests misting your plant when you feel the urge to over-love. Your plant will love the extra humidity, and it’s almost impossible to over mist a plant.

Need more help?

We're confident your Rhoeo Oyster will be back to normal in no-time, but if you've followed the steps above and things just aren't improving you can contact us here.