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Why are the pitchers on my Pitcher Plant brown and crispy?

When your Pitcher Plant has dry or brown pitchers, it is likely not getting enough water, in an area of low humidity, or a combination of both.

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Pitcher Plants require consistent moisture and high humidity in order to thrive. If they experience periods of dry soil or low humidity, their pitchers will die off as a way to preserve energy. Your plant is usually able to bounce back from a period of drought, but some pitcher die-off is to be expected.

To prevent brown and crispy pitchers, follow these instructions:


Your Pitcher Plant likes to stay consistently moist. Do not allow it to dry out, but do not let it sit in water. Water thoroughly when 25% of the medium is dry. Pitchers will naturally produce a small amount of enzymatic digestive fluid only once while it’s growing. This fluid is what your pitcher plant uses to catch and digest prey. If the fluid gets knocked out and the pitcher is empty, fill the pitcher ¼ with filtered or rainwater to keep it from drying out.


A great tip to help your plant thrive is to give it a good shower when watering. Take it to a sink and spray the leaves. Remember that the pitchers should always have some water in them, so it is good to get some water in them while you’re showering your plant, just make sure they are no more than 50% full of water. Other great ways to increase humidity are to use a humidifier, add a pebble tray under your plant, or mist it daily or a few times a week.

Note: Once pitchers become more than 50% brown and dried out, they are no longer effective and can be cut off.

Need more help?

We're confident your Pitcher Plant will be back to normal in no-time, but if you've followed the steps above and things just aren't improving you can contact us here.