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Why is my Hoya not blooming?

One of the most unique things about Hoyas are their dainty and scented blooms. Depending on the type of Hoya, there are a few factors that go into getting your plant to bloom. Let’s investigate!


Many Hoyas need to be old enough to bloom. Some Hoyas can bloom in a few years while others need about five to seven. If your Hoya isn’t blooming, it might just need some more time!


Your Hoya likes to dry almost all the way down between waterings. If you water too often, or the soil isn’t well-draining, it most likely won’t bloom. Always check the soil before watering. Water thoroughly and evenly around the pot until you see water flow out of the drainage hole. Be sure to discard any excess water after a few minutes. While these plants are forgiving with a missed watering here and there, perpetual underwatering can cause lower leaves to yellow and eventually crisp before they fall off. 


Lighting is one of the biggest factors to help your Hoya bloom! While these plants can handle somewhat lower light, this is often not enough to produce those beautiful flowers. Place your Hoya in bright indirect light, which can be found in places close to an east-facing window or a few feet back from an unobstructed southern or western window. If the southern or western window has something like a sheer curtain or natural shade from a tree or building outside, the plant can be placed a little closer. 

On the other hand, too much direct light scorches the leaves causing them to turn a pale or bleached color. 


While you Hoya is actively growing, usually in the spring and summer, fertilize with a well-balanced fertilizer for indoor plants at half strength once a month. No fertilizer is needed in the winter or during inactive growing periods. 

Other Notes

Have you noticed your Hoya putting out long vines with little or no leaves? This is totally normal! These are called tendrils which produce the flowers. To encourage blooming, be sure to never prune these back. 

Need more help?

We're confident your Hoya will be back to normal in no-time, but if you've followed the steps above and things just aren't improving you can contact us here.