Green Living
A Yoga Instructor’s Tips for Bringing the Outdoors In

Kate Van Horn, a mindful living enthusiast shares with us how she created a sanctuary space in her L.A. apartment with her favorite houseplants.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m Kate, a wellness blogger, yoga and meditation instructor, and mental health advocate! I promote mindful living on my blog and social media and aim to inspire an intuitive lifestyle and connect with my community. After suffering from anxiety, depression, and poor body image, I decided to start building a “toolbox” of wellness practices and routines that allowed me to feel happier and whole.
This began with mindful eating, and prioritizing whole, primarily plant-based foods. I also took up yoga and meditation and felt immense relief. Slowly, after years of a yoga practice, I developed a more spiritual practice and explored all things “woo woo”. I discuss anything from crystals to astrology and tarot cards with my followers and readers and share how I incorporate them into my daily life to deepen my practice and connect more to myself.
When I’m not doing yoga, writing, or working on my brand, I’m also the co-founder of a wellness events business, The GOOD Fest. We host wellness events across the nation to connect and inspire women on their journey to wellness. We believe wellness is not one size fits all, and through our speakers and content, we aim to create a safe space for our audiences to empower one another and find joy in caring for themselves.
Why is a sanctuary space important?
It’s important to create a space for yourself that feels serene and serves as an escape. We’re always on the move, and the importance of recharging in a space that feels clear and intentional can help start and end your day with the right energy.
What tips do you have for mindful living in a busy city?
I JUST moved to Los Angeles and this city can be overwhelming! Coming from a small suburb of Philadelphia I thought I was totally comfortable with city living because I had spent plenty of time working in and visiting east coast cities – but this is far different! Some tips that have helped me…
Establish a morning ritual. I prefer the word ritual over routine because it feels more special and less like a chore. Your ritual could be making a special latte or smoothie, journaling, lighting Palo Santo, or prayer. Anything that leaves you feeling more connected to yourself and grateful for the day ahead.
Practice moving meditation. Even on your walks to meetings or in crowds be super mindful and present.
GROUNDING! Make sure to spend time in nature and step away from the hustle and bustle consistently. It helps keep you grounded, and whenever I sit by the ocean I feel more relaxed, present, and more in touch with my creativity!
How do plants help promote well-being and mindfulness?
Plants are the best because they allow you to bring the great outdoors, INDOORS! Having plants in your home is soothing, plus they improve air quality and make your space feel more open – great if you’re living in a small space or studio apartment.
When I wake up and see plants in my space I feel more at ease—surrounding yourself with plants brings balance to a tech-driven work life!
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
I don’t make resolutions per se, but I choose intentions for the year. This year my goal is simple. My new room inspired me! I want to approach my commitments and calendar with the same attitude moving forward in 2019, only saying YES when I’m truly excited and joyful about something.
My goal is that through this approach I’ll have plenty of time for self-care and fun while still feeling very fulfilled professionally because I’m working on things that mean the world to me!