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Why is my Monstera Peru’s leaves curling?

Curling leaves on the normally broad leaves of the Monstera Peru can be a cause for worry. This often happens if your plant gets too thirsty or from cold air.


These plants tend to like their soil dry out a little between waterings, and can even be forgiving if you miss a watering or two. However, if this happens too often the roots will shrivel and start to die back. Water when 50-75% of the soil volume is dry.. Water thoroughly until it comes out of the drainage hole and discard any excess water. If you find the soil to be bone dry, a good soak is in order.

  1. Fill a sink or tub with 2″-4″ of water, depending on the size of your plant.
  2.  Set the plant in the water without the saucer to allow it to soak the water from the bottom. Let the plant sit in the water for at least 30 minutes.
  3. After the 30 minutes is up, feel the top of the soil to see if it has soaked up enough water. If it needs a little more time, let it sit for an additional 15-30 minutes, or water slightly from the top of the soil. 
  4. Drain the sink and let the plant rest and allow the water to trickle from the bottom.
  5. Place the plant back on the saucer making sure there is no standing water.


Leaf curl often happens when your plant is too cold. Dry spots or dry leaf edges can also happen from constant temperature fluctuations like heaters. Make sure your plant is not in a drafty area, near a drafty window in the winter, or in the direct path of any open vents.

Need more help?

We're confident your Monstera Peru will be back to normal in no-time, but if you've followed the steps above and things just aren't improving you can contact us here.