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Jade Plant Care

Jade plants are easy to grow succulents with plump oval leaves, native to South America but popular all around the world. They are very hardy and long-living, and if well-tended can be passed down from generation to generation.

How to care for your Jade

Use these instructions to care for a Jade. This guide will tell you how to water a Jade; its light, temperature, humidity preferences and any additional care it might need to help it grow.

Jade Plant


Give your Jade plant indirect to bright light. Too little light can cause overwatering and slow growth. 


Your Jade Plant does not need to be watered as frequently as most indoor plants. Water only when the soil is completely dry. Water thoroughly until you see water flow out of the drainage hole. Make sure there is no standing water left in the saucer, as this can lead to root rot.


This plant does not require any extra humidity and enjoys dry air.


Your Jade Plant will do just fine in average room temperatures between 60-80°F. 


Fertilize once in the spring and once in the summer with a succulent fertilizer.


Your Jade Plant is considered to be toxic.


Over time, your Jade will shed its lower leaves. Though this can be alarming, it is completely natural and does not mean your plant is dying. 

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What's a Jade?

Botanical Classification: Crassula ovata


Jade plants are easy to grow succulents with plump oval leaves, native to South America but popular all around the world. You’d be forgiven for thinking this plant is a tree with its woody stems — although it only grows up to two inches per year, in time it can grow to be up to five feet tall! Jade plants are very hardy and long-living, and if well-tended can be passed down from generation to generation. 

Although this plant is particular about how it is watered, it is otherwise a very resilient plant that makes a great addition to anyone’s houseplant collection.

Fun Fact

Sometimes known as a “Money Plant,” the jade plant is used in Feng Shui to promote wealth and prosperity. They’re often given as housewarming gifts, and you can find them in many offices, shops, and restaurants.

Pictured Left: Jade Plant

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