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Begonia Care

Begonias are early to flower in the spring, producing blooms in abundance throughout the season. Heat and drought-tolerant, Petunias are a great addition to any sunny patio or shady balcony. Begonia Elatior Yellow Blitz is a colorful Begonia variety with bright yellow flowers, while Begonia Elatior Barkos Red has soft deep red petals.

How to care for your Begonia

Use these instructions to care for a Begonia. This guide will tell you how to water a Begonia; its light, temperature, humidity preferences and any additional care it might need to help it grow.

Begonia Elatior Barkos Red


Begonia Elatior Barkos Red will thrive in sun or shade.


Provide your Begonias with plenty of water as they do not like to dry out completely. During hot and dry times, more watering may be required, and during rainy times, less watering may be needed. Be sure to avoid splashing water on the foliage and blooms when watering, as this can cause diseases.


Fertilize 1–2 times a month using a liquid fertilizer or add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil according to instructions.


To encourage new flower growth on your Begonias, remove spent blooms in a practice known as deadheading. Removing the dead flowers will help promote additional growth throughout the season.

Begonia Elatior Yellow Blitz


Begonia Elatior Yellow Blitz will thrive in sun or shade.


Provide your Begonias with plenty of water as they do not like to dry out completely. During hot and dry times, more watering may be required, and during rainy times, less watering may be needed. Be sure to avoid splashing water on the foliage and blooms when watering, as this can cause diseases.


Fertilize 1–2 times a month using a liquid fertilizer or add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil according to instructions.


To encourage new flower growth on your Begonias, remove spent blooms in a practice known as deadheading. Removing the dead flowers will help promote additional growth throughout the season.

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