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Rhoeo Oyster Care

Rhoeo Oyster is a beautiful, low maintenance plant that features brightly colored leaves arranged in a rosette shape. Leaves are green with purple, pink, and white striping.

How to care for your Rhoeo Oyster

Use these instructions to care for a Rhoeo Oyster. This guide will tell you how to water a Rhoeo Oyster; its light, temperature, humidity preferences and any additional care it might need to help it grow.

Rhoeo Oyster


Give your Oyster Plant indirect bright light to keep the bold colors. It can be in lower light but colors may fade to green.


Water your Oyster Plant when the top 50% of soil is dry. Water thoroughly until you see it flow out of the drainage hole. Be sure to discard excess water in the saucer to discourage root rot.


The Oyster Plant prefers a somewhat humid environment. Mist often, use a pebble tray, or place a humidifier nearby.


A normal room temperature between 60-80°F is perfect for your Rhoeo Oyster.


During the growing season from spring to summer, fertilize your plant once a month with a general houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength.


The Oyster Plant is toxic if ingested by humans or pets. Handling can cause skin irritation, so wear gloves when pruning or repotting.


As your Oyster Plant matures, it will produce pups. These can be taken out of the pot once their roots are established and planted in their own pot.

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What's a Rhoeo Oyster?

Botanical Classification: Tradescantia spathacea


This is a lovely, low-maintenance plant will do best in bright indirect light. Coloring will become more vibrant when exposed to very bright light and can fade in lower light.

Rhoeo Oyster is native to Southern Mexico and Central America and enjoys bright and warm conditions. It grows upward rather than trailing, which is unique for plants in this family. This plant will be a colorful and easy-care addition to any space!

Fun Fact

Rhoeo Oyster has many fun nicknames, including boat lily, cradle lily, oyster plant, and Moses-in-the-cradle.

Pictured Left: Rhoeo Oyster
plant mom
Let the soil of your Rhoeo Oyster dry out before watering and never let water accumulate in the saucer after watering.
- Plant Mom

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