Bigger, Better, Leafier, Bloomier

We’re here to help you and your plants thrive together.

More Ways to Find Your Perfect Plant

life gathers around plants

A Houseplant’s Journey Home

Follow along on a Bird of Paradise’s journey from our greenhouse to your home, and learn how we care for your plant every step of the way.

Welcome to Our PLANT FAMILY

Show us how you #BloomscapeYourSpace!

Grow-How® Gift Guide

Housewarming Gifts for Plant Lovers

Whether your loved one just bought their first home or moved into a brand-new apartment, congratulations are certainly in order! Here are our picks for the best housewarming gifts for every plant lover in your life.

Person carrying a Bloomscape package
AS seen in
Architectural digest
Apartment therapy
Good housekeeping
The Spruce
Mind Body Green
Well and Good