Green Living
10 Tropical Plants That Will Make Every Day Feel Like a Staycation

As we dream of warmer weather, there are plenty of small ways to bring sunny, tropical vibes into our everyday winter realities. One of those is to invest in fresh greenery. Indoor plants can do everything from making a space feel more lush to cleaning the air, boosting productivity, improving our mood, and even helping to reduce stress.
If you’re looking for a planty pick-me-up, we invite you to browse our list of 10 tropical plants that will turn your home into a relaxing, island-inspired oasis.
Bird of Paradise

As the name suggests, the Bird of Paradise is a tropical plant native to South Africa. With their striking, banana-like leaves, these perennials are the gold standard in indoor tropical plants. They can grow up to 20 feet tall in the wild and typically stand three to eight feet high at home, making them a great statement plant in any space. Despite their impressive stature, they’re surprisingly easy to care for—they prefer a sunny spot and weekly waterings during times of active growth.
Bromeliad Pineapple

Nothing says “tropical staycation” like a Bromeliad Pineapple plant. These unique Bromeliads produce one tiny, ornamental pineapple fruit per plant, even when grown entirely indoors. Best of all, each plant will produce baby plants that will eventually grow into mature, fruiting pineapple plants themselves. Native to South America, Bromeliad Pineapples prefer conditions that mimic their natural habitat—yours will thrive in bright, indirect sunlight by an east or west-facing window, and love added humidity if possible. Although not grown for edible consumption, it’s still a fun and unique plant to have in your collection. The pineapples have reached maturity when the outer skin turns yellow, soft, and fragrant.
Ponytail Palm

Native to the southeastern desert of Mexico, the Ponytail Palm is actually not a palm! It’s closely related to the Agave plant and is a type of succulent. Long, graceful leaves arch off the top of its bulbous trunk that serves to store excess water, making it extremely drought-tolerant. The ponytail palm thrives in full sun and requires infrequent watering and very little care—it’s perfect for anyone with limited time or those who travel regularly. Its unique look adds lots of warm-weather character to a room and will serve as a fun conversation piece.
Bromeliad Guzmania

This pet-friendly plant boasts adds a bold pop of color among a sea of green. With unusually long-lasting flowers, bromeliads are the gift that keeps on giving since they naturally grow pups that will develop their own bright flowers that will lend a tropical flair to your home or apartment. Native to South America, Guzmania-type bromeliads actually grow on trees in the wild and absorb most of their nutrients through their leaves. At home, our Bromeliad Guzmania Yellow is happy in a soil-filled pot and prefers bright, indirect sunlight with added humidity. You actually water Guzmania at the center of the plant, keeping the “vase” full of water, instead of watering the soil.
Monstera Adansonii

Thanks in part to Instagram, Monstera Adansonii plants have surged in popularity over the past few years and remain a staple for plant parents. Native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America, these eye-catching plants love bright, indirect sunlight and the occasional morning mist. Despite their easy care, they can get impressively large and stately in a relatively short time, and are easy to train to a moss pole for an added element of interest. Above all else, they’re known for their distinctive, swiss cheese-like leaves—it’s no wonder they’re a favorite among design-conscious plant lovers!
Neon Prayer Plant

The Neon Prayer Plant has striking bright green oval leaves with a herringbone-like pattern of light yellow veining. The colorful foliage make this a perfect plant for window sills, mantles, or shelves that need a splash of color. The Neon Prayer plant gets its name from the way the leaves fold in the evening because they resemble hands folded in prayer. They are native to the rainforests of Brazil, and although this houseplant is somewhat tolerant of low light conditions, the Prayer Plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight and high humidity.
Money Tree

For the perfect low-maintenance leafy houseplant, meet the Money Tree. This tropical plant is native to Mexico and northern South America and features verdant palm-like leaves and a unique braided stem. According to ancient Feng Shui practice, Money Trees can enhance the wealth and prosperity of its owners and therefore make a great addition to a home office. To help your money plant thrive, place it in low to bright indirect sunlight and water deeply but infrequently.
Dracaena Marginata Open Weave

Commonly known as a dragon tree, Dracaena Marginata are native to Madagascar. This potted variety is cultivated with an open braid weave consisting of 4 canes or stems. Its tall, curvy profile with spiky upright leaves provides a fascinating contrast, and a dragon tree easily fits in narrow areas of your home.
Heartleaf Philodendron

One of the easiest-care vining plants in our arsenal is the Heartleaf Philodendron. Native to Africa and the Canary Islands, this plant trails softly over the sides of a pot or hanging basket, or can be trained to climb a trellis or other structure. With glossy heart-shaped leaves on long stems, it grows fast and is easily propagated. The Heartleaf is incredibly forgiving and will tolerate all kinds of neglect including low light and inconsistent watering. It’s a great choice for a low-stress, first houseplant purchase or gift.
Bamboo Palm

For a traditional leafy look, opt for the Bamboo Palm. Sporting dark green fronds and sturdy bamboo-like stems, this plant will add an authentic tropical touch to your space. Native to the forests of Central America and Mexico, the Bamboo Palm is extremely tolerant of low-light conditions and will easily adapt to your home or apartment. Place it in a well-lit corner and water only when 50 percent of the soil volume is dry.